students running with balls

Infant House

The Infant House (Years 1 and 2) continues to build on the secure foundation established in EYFS, gradually moving to a more formal learning approach. Each class is taught by their own class teacher for their core subjects. This allows teachers to really get to know each pupil and to support them to achieve their full potential. Particular attention is given to developing numeracy and literacy skills.

Children are encouraged to play an active role in their learning, to think for themselves and to make connections with their own experiences and the world around them. Through engaging and stimulating lessons, children develop a passion for reading through individual and class reading sessions. They progress through the Rigby Star Reading Scheme and conduct weekly visits to our beautiful school library.

In addition to learning the core subjects, our pupils benefit from lessons with specialist teachers in Art, French, Music, ICT, Dance and Games. Class teachers communicate regularly with these specialist teachers, to ensure that each pupil is making progress in all areas of the curriculum.

In the Infant House, we focus on concentration, listening and empathy, perseverance, resilience, independence, initiative and risk-taking. Children are given opportunities to work independently and collaboratively, sharing and respecting the ideas of others. Our pupils become reflective learners as they begin to assess their own understanding.

This Term's Curriculum

To find out more about what children are learning in Year 1 and 2 this term, please see the documents below:

Year 1 Curriculum Outline: Summer 2024

Year 2 Curriculum Outline: Summer 2024

Book your place at our next open morning

Our next open morning is on Friday 27th September 2024. To book your place, visit our open morning page