A teacher demonstrating what to do with the paintbrush in the next art project

Creative Arts


Dance is taught by a specialist teacher throughout the Kew College Prep curriculum. Students learn to develop confidence and creativity through their physical expression of rhythm. They develop an appreciation of dance as an art form and an improved fitness and overall health. Many children continue their dance journey through the extracurricular Jazz Dance Club.


Drama is taught within the core English curriculum and several year groups perform an annual show, as well as performing in assemblies and at other school events.


Music has been described as the ‘language of emotions’. Through the inspiration of music our students develop self-confidence, improve their concentration and open new musical pathways.

Our lively and well-resourced Music Department gives each child an opportunity to develop their love of singing, playing, listening and composing music. We also provide a wide range of opportunities for them to develop their musical experience both in and outside the curriculum. Some of the many music clubs available at the school include:

    • Keyboard Club
    • Upper School Choir
    • Composer’s Club
    • Mini Beatz
    • String Group
    • Pitch Perfect (Acapella singing group)
    • Junior Vocal Group
    • Young Voices Choir
    • Guitar club
    • Wind Band
    • Mtech (music technology)


Pablo Picasso once said: “Every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” At Kew College Prep we want to instil a lifelong love of Art in all its forms. We want our children to exercise creativity, solve problems and learn to appreciate different ways of communicating ideas. Our goal is to keep students inspired to continue practising Art for years to come.

In our Infant House, children learn to explore imaginative themed projects such as space, robots, plants and nature. The children are introduced to a range of different drawing and painting techniques as well as clay work. Each child receives an A5 sized sketch pad to plan and develop ideas.

In our Junior House, children are introduced to more formal drawing techniques and a larger emphasis is placed on observational drawing. In our bright and specialised Art room, the students use A4 sketchpads to develop and hone their ideas. They learn about artists such as Pablo Picasso, Wayne Thiebaud, William Turner, Alberto Giacometti and Georgia O’Keefe. The children are also taught to embed Art History into their projects.

Students playing with their hula hoops in the playground
Open morning - Friday 27th September 2024

To book your place, visit our open morning page