Students playing with their tricycles

Our Nursery

Your child’s first experiences of school and nursery can shape their entire education and life beyond. It’s a huge responsibility – and while we take it incredibly seriously, we never let that get in the way of the children’s enjoyment!

Children start in our Nursery from age 3. There is a happy, inclusive environment, where children naturally absorb the principles of friendship, caring for and respecting each other, working together and accepting that everyone is different. This is something you’ll see throughout Kew College Prep – and what makes us truly special. In our Nursery and throughout our school, we want to give our children the best possible start in life so they can reach their full potential.

Life in our Nursery

Every day in Nursery is different, full of exciting new challenges, games and directed activities. Our Nursery offers a stimulating and vibrant environment where children learn primarily through play. Daily activities include specialist-taught music, movement, library time, ICT, French, dance and cooking as well as a traditional introduction to phonics and number work. We also enjoy getting our hands dirty and children benefit from a host of wonderfully messy art activities, helping them to learn and explore new information with their senses.

Our Nursery classroom has recently been refurbished, with it’s own dedicated outdoor space.

Nursery sessions

We offer a full day nursery option, half day option, and wraparound care. Children can attend Nursery from 8.30 am until 3.30 pm with the wraparound care option extending the day from 7.30 am to 5.30pm. Our half day sessions are 8.30am – 11.30am for a minimum of 5 mornings per week.

A special feature of our Nursery wraparound care is that it is led by Reception and Nursery Teaching Assistants, offering a familiar and comfortable environment for the children.

Forest School – starting in September 2024

From September, Nursery children will have twice weekly forest school sessions with our Head of Early Years, providing them with an enriching educational experience outside the classroom. Through forest school sessions, children develop key skills including confidence, exploration, socialisation, supported risk taking and resilience. These fun and interactive sessions, which also continue in Reception, will set Nursery children up perfectly to become inquisitive, independent, confident learners.

       Children reading books

Book your place at our next open morning

Our next open morning is on Friday 27th September 2024. To book your place, visit our open morning page