students on a hammock

Environment and Sustainability

Kew College Prep is committed to being a sustainable and environmentally friendly school. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint and to implement and pursue practices which will help to foster an awareness and understanding of the environment in both pupils and staff. We have duty to prepare future generations with the knowledge and skills to manage the world’s resources wisely.

Due to the hard work of teachers, Eco Warriors and pupils across the School community, Kew College Prep has recently been awarded the prestigious 2023 Green Flag Award and won the highly commended award for the 2023 Green Awards Education (Green Junior School category).

eco warriors

Our new Eco Warriors

18th September 2023

Our new Eco Warriors have come to save the day! Introducing the amazing crew of environmental advocates, proudly holding our award-winning 2023 Green Flag Award.... Read article

Book your place at our next open morning

Our next open morning is on Friday 27th September 2024. To book your place, visit our open morning page