Students playing with their hula hoops in the playground

Why Kew College Prep?

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions that a parent will make for their child. We understand that each child is an individual and that they have their own emotional and educational needs.

At Kew College Prep, we firmly believe in unlocking every child’s potential. Their individual talents and amazing qualities are recognised and developed and by the time they leave us at the end of Year 6 they have a firm sense of their own strengths.

We value the whole curriculum approach. Our children shine in Sports and Arts as well as the Academics. As a result, our children operate at a high academic level and move on to fine secondary schools with well-rounded characters and invaluable interpersonal skills.

Book your place at our next open morning

Our next open morning is on Friday 27th September 2024. To book your place, visit our open morning page