girl holding a stick

Year 1 Trip to Kew Botanical Gardens

Posted: 15th November 2023

On a lovely sunny Wednesday, The Year 1 children walked sensibly and excitedly to Kew Botanical Gardens. Once they arrived, they had a quick toilet break before beginning their science workshop. They transformed into ‘Kew meteorologists’ and became experts on understanding how to measure weather, describe different weathers and identify the changes in the seasons. The children used a wind sock to measure the wind speed, a thermometer to measure the temperature and a cloud cover to measure the number of clouds the children could identify in the sky. The children spent time in the outdoors in the beautiful gardens and got to choose different plants and flowers to add to an art collage which they brought home! I think we have some future meteorologists in the making! Thank you to our two parent helps, Ms Vo and Ms Parulekar for supporting us on this trip.

Categories: News
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If you have a child aged 0-3, bring them along to our free Stay and Play on Friday 31st January from 9-10am.

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