girl holding a stick

Pupil-led Charity Fundraiser

Posted: 23rd June 2023

It was a delight to witness the last pupil-led charity event of the academic year today, hosted by budding entrepreneurs Ayla and Isabella (Year 5). They took on this fundraiser challenge with a mentality of ‘a little bit of everything to sell’ and they certainly delivered! How lovely it was to behold so many wonderful sale ideas; from hand-made slime, to yummy cakes, this duo gave it their all to raise as much money as possible for ‘Honey Pot.’

‘Honey Pot’ are a humble charity with their statement of purpose being:
We are the national young carers charity. Our countryside respite breaks and our wrap-round service give young carers, with responsibilities beyond their years the opportunity to create happy memories and build brighter futures.

More  information about this fabulous charity can be found here, where you can also donate: Honeypot | UK Children’s Charity

Thank you so much to all the staff and children who supported their fundraising efforts by donating- we shall confirm how much was raised once the money has been counted!

Ayla and Isabella ran this stall entirely independently, and they are already showing signs of being business-minded; they were prepared to bargain on prices, and I was amazed at how many of the items they had made themselves; well done!

Categories: News
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