girl holding a stick

Year 5 residential to Hooke Court

Posted: 26th May 2023

students around a fire

Year 5 travelled to Hooke Court on Wednesday 17th May for their 3-day residential. They enjoyed the lovely sunshine and beautiful grounds all while completing a range of activities. The highlights include: baking ancient Greek savoury bread, learning Spartan tactics in battle, using the Greek alphabet to create a beautiful artefact and applying their science knowledge to create stylish boats as a team. They also loved sleeping in their dorms with their friends and the plentiful food on offer. Staff at Hooke Court all commented on the excellent manners shown by the children and enjoyed leading their sessions because of it. Well done Year 5!

-Leila, Seb, Naina, Ryan and Alexa-Rose, Year 5

Categories: News
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