girl holding a stick

Year 4 residential Trip to Bowles

Posted: 26th May 2023

We started off the day nervous and excited. We are going to Bowles! Nobody knew what to expect. We got into our pairs and headed off to the coach. Everyone tried to stay calm but it was super hard. We couldn’t wait to get to Bowles!

When we got to Bowles, the teachers read who we were going to be sharing rooms with. We dropped our bags in our rooms and headed off to our different activities. The first activities were pool rafting, the leap of faith and rock climbing. When some of us did the rock climbing we found it scary but with encouragement from our teammates we made it through.

Our first meal of the day was jacket potatoes. A delicious start to the day! The rest of the days we were at Bowles we did a lot of fun and interactive activities and had a lot of tasty meals. It was an experience I will never forget. Thank you to the teachers that came with us and to the Bowles staff who helped us.

-Rosie, Year 4

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