girl holding a stick

Mini Marathon Fundraiser

Posted: 27th January 2023

boy and girl wearing a medal

Despite being a chilly January day, our Junior House pupils did the school proud by embracing the challenge of participating in a charity fun run: our own ‘mini marathon’, in aid of Shelter, the housing and homelessness charity. During their afternoon games lesson, Years 3-6 were invited to take part in this fundraising event by running 1 mile.

It was amazing to see how many runners were eager to participate, and despite some wanting
to quit when they found the distance tough, they were perfect models of resilience and perseverance as they powered on through to the finish line. The event was initiated by Tilly in Year 6. I am sure that none of us can imagine living without a roof over our heads when the weather has dropped to minus temperatures daily at this time of year.

Shelter provides people with the chance for somewhere warm and safe to sleep, so we are proud to support them. You can still get involved with sponsoring this run via Please donate if you are able to. It is humbling to know that we have exceeded our target of £500 for this worthwhile charity with the current total standing at £908!

We would like to say a massive well done to all the runners, and staff, who participated in this
‘mini marathon’ challenge. Everyone pushed their pace and enjoyed the elation of completion
at the end.

I would like to thank Mrs Tabor and the PE staff, for the smooth running of this event. And, of course, a massive thank you to Tilly for initiating the idea for the school. Perhaps our runners could embrace a 5K challenge next time! Well done all and thank you again for supporting this wonderful charity fun run.

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